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Friday, August 28, 2009

unforgettable basketball night

It's been a while since i last wrote a blog.. It's because I've been very busy last week.. My brother-in-law, Kenneth, got beaten up while playing basketball last August 13 around 11pm.. The other team wasn't sport enough to accept defeat.. I don't know if they're under the influence of drugs either.. Kenneth said that there were just too many of them that beat him up.. He said the other team were more than 20.. There were just too many of them kicking him all at once.. The only one that helped him is his brother (my husband). They didn't stop even if he's bleeding already.. Good thing a civilian police man came out of nowhere and helped them to get out of the basketball gym.. After the interrogation at the police station, around 2am already, we brought him to the hospital.. An x-ray was requested to be done immediately and after an hour, the result was released.. And the result?.. His jaw was fractured and the doctor said that he needs to undergo an operation. Since that day, Aug. 14, he was confined at the hospital for observations.. Last Aug. 26, he underwent an operation.. The doctors put titanium plates on his fructured jaw.. Thanks to God the operation was succesful.. He's still at the hospital now for recovery.. He can't eat yet because they put a brace on his teeth so he can't open his mouth yet.. But he can open his lips if he needs to sip water from a straw, but as for now, that's all he can do... They put a hose through his nose down to his stomach so he can eat.. I think they call it NGT.. Well, as for the "bad guys", we already filed a case against them and our complaint is already at the Prosecutor's Office.. As for now, we're still waiting for the release of the subpoena.. Please help us pray for the success of this case and the fast recovery of Kenneth..


  1. my prayers are with him and all of you...

  2. sorry to hear such unfortunate incident.hope your brother in law gets well soon!

  3. @ ate cherie and salitype - thank u...
